We welcome everyone who is interested in the science of AMATEUR RADIO. You do not have to be licensed to join in any of our meetings or events.
Despite the last-minute change of venue - due to weather events - this year the club had a great Field Day event at the Scout Troop 771 Barn in Flower Mound.
We had 24 visitors and 8 operators over the weekend and were able to net over 730 QSOs using various modes.
For several people this was their first experience with Field Day, and for some it was actually the first opportunity to make a QSO on the HF bands! Congratulations - you know who you are!
At this time all logs have been compiled and all data has been uploaded to the ARRL FD page.
FD is not only about operations, but also about great camaraderie and enjoyment of the outdoors. We had plenty of that, culminating with a fantastic dinner on Saturday in the air-conditioned salon in the barn!
We are already planning the NEXT ONE! and we hope to see you all there next year!
Weekly Net - Wednesday 7:00 PM 145.170 PL 110.9
Officer Meetings - 2nd Thursday 5:30 PM. Membership Meetings - 3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM.
Weekly Breakfast - Saturdays WISCOTX Cafe, 1322 W Main ST Lewisville, TX 75067
Held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 P.M. Meetings are open for all members to attend. The meetings will be held at the Prairie House Restaurant, 119 E. Main St. Lewisville, TX. There will not be a meeting in December.
Meetings are held at the Thrive, 1950 S Valley Pkwy in Lewisville. Meeting time has changed to 6:30 PM.
We meet at The Thrive Community Center 1950 S. Valley Pkwy
Polo Shirts are $30.00 for any size. Payable by cash, check or PayPal.
T-Shirts are also $27.00 regardless of size. Payable by cash, check or PayPal to Lewisville Amateur Radio Association.
Time: 6:30 PM
Location : The Thrive community center 1950 S. Valley Pkwy. Lewisville, TX
P.O. Box 292644, Lewisville TX 75029
L.A.R.A. is a 501(3)c organization
W5NGU Repeater at 145.170 - (pl tone of 110.9, -.600 offset)
Training and Information Net Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Facebook Members Forum:
We always need volunteers to host our weekly Training and Information Net on Wednesdays at 7:00PM. If you would like to be Net Control or help with logging click the link below: